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Day 15 ~ 21-day Awaken in the Present: Embrace the Now Challenge!

Day 15 ~ July 23, 2023

Good day and welcome to Day 15 of the challenge. Today I want to work with our Swirling Colors of Energy! I love working with my chakras because I can visualize the colors and I love to fill my world with color. The rainbowy the better!

Below is an exercise I use when I am feeling really off and when other techniques are just not pulling me to the present. This exercise is a condensed version and only takes a minute or so to do. Even though it is short it is very effective. As I go through each chakra, I see each color and visualize it opening and swirling, and I feel the energy of each. You can add in an affirmation as well if you like.

Close your eyes and take a few good deep breaths. In through your nose and out through your mouth.

Next visualize your root chakra, at the base of your spine, in a strong red color. Visualize it swirling bigger and brighter. Say the affirmation: I am grounded to the earth, and I am stable.

Now visualize your sacral chakra, in the pelvic region a few inches below the belly button, in a deep orange light. Visualize it swirling bigger and brighter. Say the affirmation: I am a creative and sexual being.

Now visualize your solar plexus, just above your navel, in a bright yellow color. Watch it swirling bigger and brighter. Say the affirmation: I am powerful.

Up to your heart chakra, around your heart space, in a soft green light. Visualize it swirling bigger and brighter. Say the affirmation: I have the right to be loved and to give love.

Next to your throat chakra, at the base of your throat, in a bright blue color. Watch it swirling bigger and brighter. Say the affirmation: I have the right to my voice and to be heard.

Onto your 3rd eye chakra, between your eyebrows, in a shimmery indigo light. Visualize it swirling bigger and brighter. Say the affirmation: I am open and intuitive.

And finally, onto your crown chakra, at the top of your head, in a pure white light. Watch it swirling, growing bigger and brighter. Say the affirmation: I am connected to the divine.

Take a few moments to feel all your energy centers open and strong. Take a deep breath in and out. Open your eyes.

This exercise brings us to the present. After doing it we are more in control, stronger, and present and ready to embrace whatever comes next!

Till tomorrow…

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